Trust Archives - Claretian Teaching Ministry

When a Loved One Dies—Thoughts on Bereavement

John H. Hampsch, C.M.F. Think for a moment of one of your loved ones who has passed away some…

A little humor to start off the year…

The next time you feel that GOD can’t use you, just remember: Noah was a drunk Abraham was too…

Insecurity and Trust

The third-century bishop and martyr, St. Felix of Nola, trying to escape his persecutors, hid in a cave. Immediately…

Progress and Trust

A telephone was installed in the White House in 1870, but not on the president’s desk. For fifty-one years,…

Prosperity and Trust

St. Alphonsus Liguori was known for his unconventional statements. He once remarked, “In building, we need not act as…

Justice and Trust

   In a town where gambling was illegal, two judges were arrested for violating that ordinance. They each agreed…

Peace and Trust

  A woman asked her friend how she could stay so calm in the midst of heavy pressures in her…

Disappointment and Trust

I think it was Confucius who said, “Happiness does not consist in having what you want, but in wanting…

Encouragement and Trust

An aspiring composer asked orchestra, conductor Victor Herbert to review and play one of his amateur compositions. Seeing that…

Strength and Trust

A quaint and ancient Welsh proverb states, “Three things give hardy strength: sleeping on hairy mattresses, breathing cold air,…