
Counting Your Uncounted Blessings

In a Thanksgiving week quiz, a teacher asked her fourth grade pupils to state at least one thing they…

The Tragedy of Wasted Tragedies

John H. Hampsch, cmf I smile every time I hear the clever epigram attributed to Winston Churchill: “If you’re…

99.9% of Catholics Do Not Know These Facts about the Mass

There are two blocks of fascinating information that very, very few Catholics are aware of. The first is some…

Suffering—A God’s-Eye View of Adversity

View Post Why is it almost impossible to smile when you’re in extreme pain? Simply because the mind is…

Does Scripture help validate the Resurrection of Jesus?

The four Gospels that record the Resurrection story are too similar to be written totally independently of one another,…

What Do Angels Do All Day?

For some, the Bible’s definition of angels seems to be consoling, but for others, almost threatening. The citation I…

Prayer for Universal Triumph over Evil

O Most Holy Trinity, Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, through the mighty intercession of the Virgin Mary, the…

Paradise is Not Heaven

Gospel passage: Luke 23:43 A young priest boasted to his pastor, “I feel that my sermon was really anointed…

Point/Counterpoint: He Said/She Said

The following playground conversation took place between two first-grader twins, one an avid feminist and the other an intransigent…

Invocation to Mary, Mother of the Church

O Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, we entrust to you the entire Church. Remember all your sons and…