Amnesty Day

Posted October 22, 2007

Amnesty DayThe Chicago Public Library recently declared an “Amnesty Day” for borrowers of overdue books. With no fines and no questions asked, over ten thousand books were returned, some overdue since 1934!Every day is “Amnesty Day” with God; he’s more eager to forgive us our debts than we are eager to be forgiven. “You are forgiving and good, 0 Lord, abounding in love to all who call to you” (Ps 86:5). Who would not call on him? Who more than a prisoner enjoys freedom? And who more than a sinner should enjoy God’s forgiveness? Since everyone is a sinner (see 1 John 1:8) we can all rejoice that for us, forgiveness is incredibly easy, since “the blood of Jesus … purifies us from all sin” (v. 7).For the return of an overdue sinner, no questions will be asked; just return to God in humble repentance. Any Magdalene can hear the gentle, forgiving voice of Jesus urging her to sin no more. A dying thief can hear the promise of an immediate paradise. The housewife with her peccadillos of impatience can feel the soothing balm of Christ’s tender mercy. The inconsiderate husband sees his selfishness replaced by the selflessness of a strong but kindly Jesus. The child sees his little flaws of disobedience melt in the springtime smile of the lover of little ones. No questions asked, but the ear of God is always attuned to hear the sheepish words, “I’m sorry,” as we “approach the throne of grace … to receive mercy” (Heb 4:16).

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